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Bickenhall Bridleway Reopened


October 2024

Good news for walkers and riders.

For many years, a bridleway in Bickenhall, which is a public right of way, was blocked and unable to be used by riders or walkers. The route runs between Curry Mallet Drove and Forest Drove.

The situation has now changed. It came about after decades of campaigning to have it reopened by members of the public, parish and county councillors and the Ramblers. Finally, the British Horse Society became involved and successfully used public rights of way legislation to oblige the county council to unblock the route.

In September, the Somerset Council’s Public Rights of Way Department created a new bridleway route linking the two droves for use by the public. It is a combination of part of the existing right of way and a new permissive bridleway.

The Curry Mallet Drove end of the right of way, which crosses one landowner’s property, has been unblocked and reopened. However, when another owner’s land is reached, instead of the route continuing on the line of the existing right of way, it continues on a new route as a permissive bridleway; this ends at a new opening onto Forest Drove. The changed part of the route is well signed and runs beside boundary hedges rather than across the field. The gate opening onto Forest Drove is slightly further to the north than where the exit of the blocked public right of way would be. This change was made by Somerset Council's Rights of Way department for reasons outlined below.

Note: Dogs are permitted on the whole route but must be kept on a lead as the new route pass through fields with horses.

T2-11 Open Route.jpg

Note: The T2/11 right of way is shown in green. The new route, shown in red, is a combination of a part of the right of way, and a permissive bridleway.

Note: Because of the scale of the map, it is difficult to show that the permissive bridleway turns left immediately after it branches from the right of way. It then runs beside a hedge for a short distance before turning right to follow another hedge, and onwards towards the gate onto Forest Drove. This section is both clearly signed, and bounded by a single wire fence, to show the direction to take.

The reason for the use of a permissive path is two-fold.

First, both landowners have lodged an application to have the public right of way of the bridleway (T2/11) removed from Somerset Council’s Definitive Map*.
Second, an application has been made to divert the Forest Drove end of the right of way onto the line taken by the new permissive bridleway.

Both actions will take time to be processed. If the application to remove T2/11 were to fail, and the application to divert the right of way succeed, then newly created route would become the T2/11 right of way.

*For further information on public rights of way matters, including requests to remove or divert a right of way, and the definitive map, please click https://www.somerset.gov.uk/roads-travel-and-parking/public-rights-of-way/
*To view the Somerset Definitive Map, and the line of the right of way of T2/11 Bridleway, please click https://roam.somerset.gov.uk/roam/map

The Rights of Way Department deserve praise for providing a bridleway for public use while the above legal matters are resolved. Also, for the quality of the work it carried out. The gates are wide, and well hung, and allow easy access for families with children, dog walkers and many with disabilities. The surface is grassed so good footwear is advised in wet conditions.

Neroche Community Review - Action Plan Updated

Neroche Parish Council


September 2024

The Action Plan for the Neroche Community Review has been updated and may be accessed on this website, together with other documents.

 Please click here to go to the page.

Emergency Road Closure - Curland Common Road



November 2024

Emergency Road Closure: – ttro108W(TD) - WW - Curland Common Road, Curland

Please be aware that we have received a notification of a TTRN (emergency) road closure at Curland Common Road, Curland which commenced on28th November 2024- 2nd December 2024 (00:00 - 23:59) for a total of 5 days.

This will enable Wessex Water to repair main leak.

The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is not permitted on this occasion.

For any further information about this closure please contact Wessex Water on 03456004600, quoting reference: ttro108W(TD)

Please visit one.network https://one.network/?tm=141309356 where you will see the map of the affected area (in red), together with the supplied diversion route (in blue).

Please note: this diversion route could be subject to change on review.

Road Closure - Staple Fitzpaine

Bulford Road


November 2024

Temporary Road Closure:ttro163379W(TD) - Bulford Road, Staple Fitzpaine

Please follow the link to view the above road closure; https://one.network/?tm=140099366 and the link for the Notice 2:https://api-gb.one.network/downloads/tm/1111/03-notice-2_140099366_3810951_af2ae8f1e3.pdf

The order becomes effective on 21st November 2024 and will remain in force for eighteen months.

The works are expected to commence on 27th November 2024 and last for 2 days (07:00-19:00)to enable Wessex Water to carry out interim to permanent reinstatement works.

The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is permitted on this occasion.

For any further information about this closure please contact Wessex Water on 0345 600 4600, quoting reference: ttro163379W(TD).

Please note that should you require to view a closure which is more than two weeks ahead, you will need to register for free with www.One.Network

Road Closure - Bickenhall/Curland

Bickenhall Road, leading to Barrington Hill Road


November 2024

Temporary Road Closure:ttro691474W(TD) - Bickenhall Rd, Broadway, Bickenhall and Curland

Please follow the link to view the above road closure; https://one.network/?tm=140619809 and the link for the Notice 2: https://api-gb.one.network/downloads/tm/1111/03-notice-2_140619809_3812293_41d0228b43.pdf

The order becomes effective on 14th November 2024 and will remain in force for eighteen months.

The works are expected to commence on 18th November 2024 and last for 5 days to enable Lumen to carry out works to rectify defects in the carriageway on behalf of OCU Group.

The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is permitted on this occasion.

For any further information about this closure please contact OCU Groupon telephone number 0845 303 8615 quoting reference number ttro691474W(TD)

Please note that should you require to view a closure which is more than two weeks ahead, you will need to register for free with www.One.Network

Road Closure - Staple Fitzpaine/Curland

Staple Fitzpaine Road


November 2024

Temporary Road Closure:ttro069263W(TD) - Staple Fitzpaine Rd, Staple Fitzpaine and Curland

Please follow the link to view the above road closure; https://one.network/?tm=139957554 and the link for the Notice 2: https://api-gb.one.network/downloads/tm/1111/02-notice-1_139957554_3801592_8b17013bb8.pdf
The order becomes effective on 7th November 2024 and will remain in force for eighteen months.

The works are expected to commence on 11th November 2024 and last for 5 days (09.30 - 15.30hrs) to enable Openreach access to poles to enable overhead cabling works.

The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is permitted on this occasion.

For any further information about this closure please contact Sunbelt Rentals on telephone number 0370 050 0792 quoting reference number ttro069263W(TD)

Please note that should you require to view a closure which is more than two weeks ahead, you will need to register for free with www.One.Network

Bickenhall Bridleway Reopened


October 2024

Good news for walkers and riders.

For many years, a bridleway in Bickenhall, which is a public right of way, was blocked and unable to be used by riders or walkers. The route runs between Curry Mallet Drove and Forest Drove.

The situation has now changed. It came about after decades of campaigning to have it reopened by members of the public, parish and county councillors and the Ramblers. Finally, the British Horse Society became involved and successfully used public rights of way legislation to oblige the county council to unblock the route.

In September, the Somerset Council’s Public Rights of Way Department created a new bridleway route linking the two droves for use by the public. It is a combination of part of the existing right of way and a new permissive bridleway.

The Curry Mallet Drove end of the right of way, which crosses one landowner’s property, has been unblocked and reopened. However, when another owner’s land is reached, instead of the route continuing on the line of the existing right of way, it continues on a new route as a permissive bridleway; this ends at a new opening onto Forest Drove. The changed part of the route is well signed and runs beside boundary hedges rather than across the field. The gate opening onto Forest Drove is slightly further to the north than where the exit of the blocked public right of way would be. This change was made by Somerset Council's Rights of Way department for reasons outlined below.

Note: Dogs are permitted on the whole route but must be kept on a lead as the new route pass through fields with horses.

T2-11 Open Route.jpg

Note: The T2/11 right of way is shown in green. The new route, shown in red, is a combination of a part of the right of way, and a permissive bridleway.

Note: Because of the scale of the map, it is difficult to show that the permissive bridleway turns left immediately after it branches from the right of way. It then runs beside a hedge for a short distance before turning right to follow another hedge, and onwards towards the gate onto Forest Drove. This section is both clearly signed, and bounded by a single wire fence, to show the direction to take.

The reason for the use of a permissive path is two-fold.

First, both landowners have lodged an application to have the public right of way of the bridleway (T2/11) removed from Somerset Council’s Definitive Map*.
Second, an application has been made to divert the Forest Drove end of the right of way onto the line taken by the new permissive bridleway.

Both actions will take time to be processed. If the application to remove T2/11 were to fail, and the application to divert the right of way succeed, then newly created route would become the T2/11 right of way.

*For further information on public rights of way matters, including requests to remove or divert a right of way, and the definitive map, please click https://www.somerset.gov.uk/roads-travel-and-parking/public-rights-of-way/
*To view the Somerset Definitive Map, and the line of the right of way of T2/11 Bridleway, please click https://roam.somerset.gov.uk/roam/map

The Rights of Way Department deserve praise for providing a bridleway for public use while the above legal matters are resolved. Also, for the quality of the work it carried out. The gates are wide, and well hung, and allow easy access for families with children, dog walkers and many with disabilities. The surface is grassed so good footwear is advised in wet conditions.

Airband Update


September 2024

Please see attached document, containing correspondence between Neroche Parish Council and Somerset Council on the delivery of fibre broadband to the area by Airband. Or rather, the lack of it !!

Neroche Community Review - Action Plan Updated

Neroche Parish Council


September 2024

The Action Plan for the Neroche Community Review has been updated and may be accessed on this website, together with other documents.

 Please click here to go to the page.

RSPCA needs Gardening and Maintenance Help



July 2024

Are you an experienced groundsperson or just have some hours to spare each month and are interested in giving it a go? Could you help enhance the appearance and the habitat value of the RSPCA 22 acre site alongside like minded people?

RSPCA West Hatch are hosting monthly Conservation and Grounds Maintenance

Volunteering Team Days on the first Saturday of every month from 10am to 3pm.

Police dog handlers request for use of land

Local parishes


May 2024

Request for use of land by police dog handlers

Police dog handlers are looking for permission to exercise and train their dogs on land. This would allow space to train and provide a police presence in your area. 

For more information or to give permission please contact Robert.Oswick@avonandsomerset.police.uk or Samuel.Davies@avonandsomerset.police.uk