Butterfly image

Event Location: Meeting At Shutes Farmhouse

09:30 - 15:00 08/04/2025

Mount Fancy Butterfly Reserve

Mount Fancy Reserve Needs You !

Come and join the Fancy volunteers, a practical conservation working group, who meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month to maintain the meadows at the reserve, which sits on the north-scarp face of the Blackdown Hills, with a confused geology and a rich mosaic of habitats. These nationally important open meadows and grasslands need constant management to keep open. If left alone, willow, birch and bracken will grow and spread, shading out the grasses. The Fancy Volunteers use just hand tools and enthusiasm to keep these meadows open. Please come along and give it a try ! No prior experience or skills necessary, just a willingness to work in rough and occasionally wet ground. Tea, coffee, guidance and tools are all provided.

The Reserve lies between two access lanes - one (Parsonage Lane) to Mount Fancy Farm and the other(Underhill Lane) to Shutes Farmhouse. As a result, the meeting point will change, depending on where the task is for that month.

Anyone interested in joining should keep an eye on the website pages:

Mount Fancy Volunteers

Mount Fancy Volunteers Task Days

or on Facebook:

Mount Fancy Facebook Page

Or call Tony on 01823 421423